Sunday, October 08, 2006

Something to think about

The Yankees have choked again and there are two people that will be the main focus of the Boss's wrath, Joe Torre and Alex Rodriguez. Torre is likely already out and I'd bet anything that A-Rod is close behind. The Rangers are already paying a ton of his contract and I'd bet that the Yankees will pay most of what's left just to be rid of him. This means that A-Rod has "Oakland A" written all over him. But think about it for a second, wouldn't Pittsburgh be a perfect place for A-Rod? The players would leave him alone. The fans would leave him alone. He wouldn't be on national TV 3 days a week. No one would care about his playoff failings (except Smizik)because if he managed to just get us there he'd be a hero. The Yankees will likely accept pennies on the dollar just to get rid of him and we could likely offer something like Castillo, Gonzalez (Rivera is old), and Snell (he really sort of doesn't like Pittsburgh, I don't care if he is right handed) to get him here. If the Yankees want more relievers for that awful pen of theirs, well, we've got enough to help them out. If we pulled off a trade for him, other potential free agent targets would know we were serious about baseball here. It'll never happen (A-Rod will never, ever approve a trade here) but it can't hurt to dream sometimes.