Friday, October 20, 2006

Are you ready?

Perhaps my memory is failing me, but we are about to witness the most manager-centric World Series coverage in history. Immediately after the Cards won game 7 tonight, Kevin Kennedy mentioned that LaRussa and Leyland are friends and that it would be an interesting matchup of managers in the Series. For the next seven days, everything that happens will directly be credited to one of the two managers. We will hear about how Leyland saved the Tigers franchise and how LaRussa did his best managing job ever to take a team less talented than his last two to the Series. These games will not be discussed as baseball games, but rather as chess matches between two grandmasters, and no matter who wins in what manner, the managers are going to be credited for leading whichever team to victory. There is nothing any of the players can do to prevent this save Albert Pujols and maybe Kenny Rogers. Brace yourself, we're going to have a full week of inane statements, mindless praise, and FJM fodder.