On to San Diego

The Bucs play the Padres at Petco tonight as they try to continue their "Let's Go Phillies" tour of both east and west. Chris Young and Tom Gorzellany face off in this one, with Gorzo looking to build on his last start, which saw him pitch 4 decent innings against the Mets. I don't know exactly what his pitch count will be tonight, but I don't expect him to go much past the fifth. Most Pirate fans know about Young by now as the guy we traded away for one spring of Matt Herges, who we then cut. Young would look awfully nice in this rotation right now, especially since as Charlie points out, our pitching-rich franchise is currently featuring a rotation with Shawn Chacon, Shane Youman, and Marty McLeary all involved. I'm at home dogsitting, so I should be able to catch most of this one, unless it's really boring or something.

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