Sunday, December 18, 2005

Today's Hot Stove Report

Reading Dejan's Hot Stove Report today something caught my eye. It wasn't the stuff about Freddy Sanchez (though I forgot how impressive his numbers over the last six weeks of the season were) or any of the actual baseball news. Nope, it was the fact that EIGHT Pirates will get bobblehead days next year, including first timers Zach Duke, Mike Gonzalez, Chris Duffy, and Ryan Doumit. WHAT? I thought a bobblehead commemerated something other than "rookie performances that didn't suck" which is more or less what Duffy and Doumit gave us last year. Hearing that prompted a lively discussion at the lunch table over the missed bobblehead opportunities that Pirates had if their standards were that low.

  • An "Operation Shutdown" bobblehead, its head shakes twice then gets tired and stops.
  • A Pat Meares bobblehead, you touch its head and his hand breaks, then asks you for $13 million.
  • A Mike Fetters bobblehead because hey, it was what he looked like in the mound.
  • A Matt Lawton bobblehead to simulate the way he played outfield, like a 6-year-old with ADD.
  • A Chad Hermansen bobblehead, just think of the unlimited potential.
  • A Neil Walker bobblehead, because he's contributed almost as much to the Pirates as Duffy and Doumit.
  • Maybe the Pens should start marketing Austin Lemeiux bobbleheads.
  • Seriously guys, Where's the Van Slyke Bobblehead?
Any other nominees?