Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dejan's on third

Dejan looks at the third base picture sans Mueller and comes to more or less the same conclusions I did yesterday. He again drops the tantalizing name of Troy Glaus, but I just can't see that happening right now. The most interesting part of this morning's article, I thought, was the revelation that we never offered Mueller a third year, according both to Mueller's camp and to the Pirates. That's interesting for a couple reasons. First off, it means Littlefield hasn't completely lost his head yet, which is good. Second off, I think it means Mueller never had any intention of signing with us and was simply using the fact we were involved with things to try and pump up the Dodgers bid. Every time we heard something it was from "sources close to Mueller" as in "sources close to Mueller say that he's close to signing and the Pirates three year offer is the current front runner." An article from LA even said the Dodgers were dropping out because they couldn't meet the Pirates three year offer. I do believe we've been used.