Saturday, November 26, 2005

This Year in Baseball

There's several Pirates nominated for "This Year in Baseball" Awards at, some we should be proud of and some we probably shouldn't. Jack Wilson is nominated for best defensive player (yet somehow doesn't have a Gold Glove) and play of the year for his flip to Castillo. Mike Gonzalez is nominated for best set-up man, despite his injury (and some of his numbers really are impressive). Zach Duke finds himself nominated for "Best Rookie." Jose Castillo is also nominated for being a moron and walking to first base on a ball three, thus causing Daryle Ward (who wasn't included in the nomination, but should have been) to trot to second and be tagged out. They call the category "Best Blooper" but that play wasn't a blooper, it was flat out stupid. Apparently just missing the cut were Kip Wells for "Best Starter", Lloyd McClendon for "Best Manager" and of course, Jose Mesa for "Best Closer." And they don't even have a "Biggest Ego and Most Perfectly Coiffed Hair" so sadly, Dave Littlefield also went un-nominated.

Anyways, click the link and vote for Wilson, Duke, and Gonzalez, then vote like hell for Frankie Rodriguez dropping the ball on the mound and letting Jason Kendall score. Let's be honest with ourselves, the odds of any Pirate winning Best Defensive Player, Best Set-up Man, Best Play, or Best Rookie are nil, but the odds of a Pirate winning blooper of the year for a play that a semi-retarded caveman would have known better than to make are much, much better. And frankly, I'd rather forget that it ever happened.