Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jason Bay is disappointed

From today's PG:

"I think that, for a championship-quality team, you need to make more moves. And I'm not talking about the .500 team we can be. I don't think anyone in this room is going to tell you we're a championship-quality team. There still needs to be more moves. And you know what? I'm not trying to tell people anything they don't already know."

The way Bay saw it, remarks he made to the media after the final game of last season obligated him to go public again.

"We've had basically the same group the last four years," he said Sept. 30. "To think we're going to win 100 games or go the World Series next year with the exact same team ... it would be a little foolish. I'm not saying you need an overhaul, but something's got to change."

I have no idea what Bay is trying to say in that article. The full quote is longer than that and he says something about comments made by him at the end of the season last year. When you read the whole thing, it's kind of like, "We need to make moves for us to be good, but no one expects us to be good, but we need to make moves, but not a lot, but some, but..." I think he should probably just try to not hit .247 again.