Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Matt Lawton on steroids?

This is interesting; according to (only slightly more reliable than me just completely making something up and telling someone on the corner of Forbes and Grant) the outfielder on a playoff team that was rumored to have failed a steroid test is rumored to be Matt Lawton. So, to make sure you're following, an outfielder on a playoff team is rumored to have failed a steroid test, and now that outfielder is rumored to be Matt Lawton. This is officially a rumor about a rumor. This, of course, doesn’t make it any less awesome. Everyone's favorite brain dead right fielder is a 'roid-head too? Frankly, I'm surprised. I would've thought he would've tested positive for something more... recreational.

If in fact it is true (which is a big IF) the next question will be when he tested positive. Was he with us when he did it? Did Freddy Sanchez and Nate McLouth find a black bag in his locker after he left, then magically start hitting home runs? Is this all really Jason Giambi's fault? Honestly, can't you do better than .260 if you're on the juice? Just what was A-Rod doing with Phil Hellmuth in illegal poker clubs? Oh wait, that's an entirely different, yet equally amusing, story.

UPDATE (5:42 PM): Yep, it's true. Remove all "ifs", "ands", or "buts" above and insert a large grin on to my face. This is toooooo good.