Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Links and housekeeping

It's March, which means that it's time for my annual appearance on Red Hot Mama's podcast. This is at least the third time I've been on her show (I think) and it's always a good time, so thanks to her for having me on again.

If you haven't yet, don't forget to check out the Hardball Times Season Preview. I hear an awesome dude wrote the Pirates' chapter. Seeing other bloggers give their take on their own teams' is pretty cool.

I'm slowly working on getting the sidebar into shape, since it's fallen into disrepair. I've merged the general Pittsburgh sports blogs with the Pirate blogs and kept Pittsburgh-specific blogs separate. I deleted some defunct sites and added Doubt About It, Black and Gold Tchotchkes, Raise the Jolly Roger, and Pittsburgh Sports and Mini Ponies, so check them out if you're not already doing so.