And now for something completely different

As a fun reminder of how little we know at this time of year, Neal Huntington completely denies reports of cutting Nady and selling low on Bay. If that wasn't enough, there's also this interview with him at BP (sent by reader Mark) that includes quotes I swear were lifted from my subconscious like this one:
DL: It happened prior to you joining the organization, but can you comment on last season’s acquisition of Matt Morris, primarily your philosophy regarding similar moves?

: Our philosophy is that every move we make will be logical, rational, and well-researched. They will also be for the long-term benefit of the Pittsburgh Pirates. The quick fixes that have been taken in the past--that you see happen around the league with some teams--are not something we’ll be interested in here.
We’re in a unique situation. We have lost 90-plus games each of the past three years, but we have an interesting core of guys with two years left on their contracts. We have a good young pitching staff, and an outstanding young closer in Matt Capps. We feel that we have some talent here and have an opportunity to win, but we want to be in a position to be consistently competitive every year. What we don’t want to do is win 82 games next year and then go backwards because we weren’t thinking long-term. If you look at teams like Colorado, Milwaukee, Arizona, and Cleveland, it has been the depth of their systems--the players they’ve developed--that has helped them to take a step forward. It hasn’t been players they’ve brought in from outside the organization. They’ve filled needs from within, and we need to get to where we can do the same thing. Improving our scouting and player development systems is a big part of what we’re looking to do.
Read the whole interview. It's long but worth your time. Once again, maybe we (myself certainly included) should all remember to wait for Huntington to actually, you know, do something before he rushing to judgment on the guy.

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