Saturday, September 08, 2007

Reaction links and such

The reverberations from Dave Littlefield's firing are felt around the internet:

Dejan also does some excellent analysis of the DL Era in the PG today.

Meanwhile Bugs and Cranks is breaking down the CEO search by interviewing a lot of people about Dan Duquette. I've got a gut feeling (and this is based on absolutely no actual knowledge) that Duquette is going to get the job.

Kevin Goldstein at BP talks about the Pirates newly available GM position:
Jim (Providence): The Pirates fired Littlefield, does it even matter?

Kevin Goldstein: It does, very much. Of the two jobs out there (PIT and HOU) and others expected (BAL, maybe), Pittsburgh is the one everyone wants.

I think he's right. This would be a great job for a good GM to prove his abilities, but the expectations are a bit low (link via Bucs Dugout).