Saturday, July 14, 2007

Cuban will not buy the Cubs

This is only a blog. I don't really have much in the way of sources. I mostly only have opinion. But I honestly don't think Mark Cuban applying to buy the Cubs is a big deal to anyone that hopes he's going to buy the Pirates. Yes, Cuban is rich. Yes, Cuban is interested. But Cuban is also incredibly headstrong and arrogant (he's suing his old coach for beating him in the playoffs for chrissake) and he's not a friend of Bud Selig. What I mean to say is that if he wants to own a backwater franchise like the Pirates, Selig might allow that (if the Pirates ever go up for sale). But a marquee franchise like the Cubs? Come on. One of Selig's friends is interested in the team at the moment, and that makes him a very clear front-runner. Unless he's not interested at all, Cuban's got nothing but money and hopes right now.