Monday, June 11, 2007

Is this the last thread?

Disclaimer: The thread title refers to Daniel Moskos being the last thread for most Pirate fans, not the last thread on this blog ever. Sorry if I scared you.

I'll be honest, as upset as I was the Daniel Moskos pick, the outpouring of public outrage over the pick has really surprised me. The pick itself didn't surprise me at all. There was not one bone in my body that thought the Pirates would pick Matt Wieters, and I was surprised to see that people that followed the team closely were flipping over the pick.

Lots of you have already noted that someone is organizing a protest of the June 30th game at PNC Park. The Irate Fans have booted their website up again and are writing new articles. You all know that I actively helped the Irate Fans out last year and wrote some articles for them, but honestly, I don't know how much of a point all this has. Yes, it serves to show people that die-hard Pirate fans still exist and yes, it will get media attention. But if you think this is going to sway the Nutting family in any way, I'm afraid you're wrong.

Protesting the games and even boycotting them doesn't cut into their pocketbook because from what I understand, they'll just get more money out of the MLB central fund. Yes, the Nuttings are the problem in Pittsburgh, but baseball has created the monster that allows the Nuttings to exist. No other sport rewards bad ownership the way Major League Baseball does. The NFL is concerned about putting a rounded product on the field with as many competitive teams as possible. Major League Baseball is concerned with pimping the Yankees, Red Sox, and Cubs as hard as possible. The Nuttings would probably be happy if no fans existed because then they could make their money in peace and quiet. It's a depressing feeling, but as long as Bud Selig is commissioner, no one is going to force the Nuttings' hand in Pittsburgh because Bob and company are owners right after old Bud's heart, right down to the penny pinching and dismal baseball teams.

If you're going to protest, then I'm certainly behind you. I'll give the protest and the Irate Fans as much publicity as one blogger can. But if we really want to make a difference, the protest should be of Major League Baseball, and not just the Pittsburgh Pirates.