Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Now this could amuse me

I generally don't like Spring Training, if you haven't guessed that yet. It's long and the only things I ever read are "depends on the severity" and "twinge in the elbow" and things of that nature. Management rarely lets spring performances change their minds in any real manner, so the whole month just kind of feels like a waste. But there's one thing that could keep me going: the thought of Brad Eldred playing outfield. Now that I would pay to see. I can't imagine that the organization that despised Craig Wilson's outfield play will let it happen, but a man can dream.

Today: Tony Armas Jr. takes the mound again and the Bucs again look for their first win of the spring. And judging from the line-up, Jason Bay will take his first cuts in a game as DH today, which is good news. I know these games don't count, but can we win one or two, please? It would really make everyone feel better about this whole thing.