Thursday, May 25, 2006

Things that other people are saying

I can't think of much original to say about the Pirates right now, which means it's time for a link dump.

Among other impressive stats, Jason Bay has driven in 42% of the Pirates' runs in the last 7 games. That's... I don't know, insane? stupid? practically impossible? painful to think about?

Charlie does a minor league roundup, highlighted by the fact that Adam Boeve is still mashing in Indy. The guy's almost 26, if he keeps hitting we probably have to get him up here fast. Except that the mighty Mike Edwards is blocking the way, of course.

Dave Williams, meet the Mets. They scraped him off the scrap heap after Cincy tossed him on it. Casey hasn't done much for us, but it would appear that Littlefield certainly did manage to sell high in this case, for once.

There's so much spin here that my head hurts. I don't know who Jason Grey is, but he's giving Ed Eagle a run for his money. Actually, of all the of headlining articles at Pirates dot com, only one is by Eagle, the rest are by this Grey character. Perhaps he has more of a background in fiction writing.

71 years ago today Babe Ruth ripped the final three homers of his career at Forbes Field. Thank God the Giants are off, sparing us the garbage that would be spewed if he managed to hit 715 toady. This PG article from two weeks ago is a much better recollection of what would turn out to be a historic day. Hell, it's even got an interview with Andy Warhol's brother, Paul, who happened to be at the game.