Saturday, March 04, 2006

Will we?

The Pirates marketing department announced the the successor to the much maligned "Come Hungry" as this year's promotional pitch:WE WILL.

Yeah, it's dopey. Then again, any promotional pitch other than "Come see the 2005 World Series Champion White Sox" will tend towards pretty dopey since they're promoting the team to the casual fan. That being said, I do like it a little more than the last couple pitches we've seen, "Let's Go to Work" and "Come Hungry." The last few have been trite slogans about playing hard that were hard to tell if they applied to the team or the fans, this seems like more of a promise from the management that they're going to try really hard not to suck this year. I realize that a promise from the management of this team is worth less than a Chad Hermansen rookie card, but I do think this is an improvement. Then again, the promotional pitch could be "Come Watch AAAA Baseball!!!" and I'd probably still go to 15 games, so I really doubt they care what I think.

Of course, "We Will" leaves itself open to lots of fun from the cynical fan sector. Just what will we be doing? Charlie is taking suggestions, as is Baseball Primer, with the best of the bunch being a song about the Buccos failings sung to the tune of the Stonecutters song from the Simpsons. As for me, I can't hear the slogan without thinking of

We are the Globo Gym Purple Cobras and we will, we will rock you. STOMP STOMP HISS
But that's just me.