Saturday, March 04, 2006

Links vaguely related to the Pirates

Jayson Stark has a column up at about Jim Leyland and his band of ex-Pirates hoping to recreate that 1992 magic in Detroit. About 2/3rds of the way down, we also have some Andy Van Slyke quotes, for you Van Slyko-o-philes out there, though they mostly relate to Leyland and are serious.

The Cubs have just annouced Kerry Wood will have his knee scoped. They say it isn't serious but it's never serious when it starts...

Pokey Reese, maybe an all-time favorite among Pirate fans in the category of "Players who didn't play a full season's worth of games in 2 years in the 'Burgh" disappeared from Marlins camp and had manager Joe Girardi a bit scared, but apparently has contacted the team and is OK. No word on whether he's going back to camp though.

3 days until Jason Bay and Oliver Perez take the field for the WBC, the first televised Pirates action since October (the first Spring Training game on FSP is next week).