Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bonds' other shoe drops

So turns out this Barry Bonds guy might have taken steroids. Actually, this is huge. Two reporters from the San Francisco Chronicle have compiled a massive amount of damning evidence that Bonds juiced up starting after the McGwire/Sosa homer fest of '99. They wrote a book about it due out March 27th and an excerpt will appear in SI this week. The article up about it on SI.com is definitely worth a read. I'm pretty sure that over time this is going to go a long way towards placing an asterik on everything that happened between 1998 and 2004.

As for me personally, I don't like Bonds. I never liked him (I'm still blaming the '91 and '92 NLCS losses on his lack of performance and on that awful, awful throw... you don't forgive or forget things that scar you when you're 6-7 years old, that's just how it works), but his recent "I'm so tired of everyone saying I'm on steroids that I just might quit" act REALLY wore on me, especially in the face of the obvious. What goes around comes around, and it's nice to see Bonds finally get his, especially after generally nice guys like McGwire, Palmiero, and Sosa got theirs.