More Anna Benson

UPDATE (12/16): Not sure how this happened, but apparently my little blog here has turned up on the first page of Google search results for "Anna Benson" and it's pointing a whole ton of new people to WHYGAVS. Anyways, I'd encourge anyone who's found this blog via that manner to click around and check things out, especially if they happen to be a Pirates fan. Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine too. Just don't expect to find any pictures of Ms. Benson here.

Well, this is just fantastic. Anna Benson is now attacking the Mets because she thinks they are trying to trade her husband because she wants to pose in Playboy (something also alleged by Peter Gammons). Of course Anna is less than pleased by the whole incident. Kris, meanwhile, hasn't commented on the situation, presumably because he's locked in a basement somewhere with testicle clamps on. You know, as much as I make fun of the guy I'm really starting to feel bad for him.

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