Sunday, October 16, 2005

Boring roundup stuff

Things have kind of slowed down since we hired Tracy, so I don't have a lot to say. Today in the PG they publish the list of every manager we've hired with prior Major League experience. Danny Murtaugh doesn't count, apparently. Not only is the list not impressive at all, it's also filled with inaccuracies. Like this one:

Donie Bush, 1927-29

Perhaps no manager in history -- other than Clarke -- had as successful a rookie season with the Pirates. He was hired in 1927 and promptly led them to a 94-60 record and a World Series victory over his old team -- the Washington Senators. Pirates record: 246-178.

Who can find the error? The Bucs didn't play the Senators in the '27 Series, they played the Murderers' Row Yankees. And they definitely didn't win. So good luck Jim Tracy, you have Chuck Tanner, Donie Bush, and a bunch of clowns to live up to (OK, Frankie Frisch was alright).

There's also a boring piece about the life of Jim Tracy. I read a couple paragraphs, realized they were talking about Kent Tekulve for no reason I could decipher, and then quit.

Also, a little light has been shed on why Bullington was dropped off of the AFL roster, he needs surgery on his labrum. They make it sound like it's not bad and that he'll be ready for the spring, but those words surgery on his labrum aren't exactly words that excite people. Still, as of now the prognosis isn't bad as the article says he should be throwing by December.

That's all I've got right now. The LCS games haven't been very exciting since the Josh Paul game and my cable has been terrible, so I can barely even seen the games to start with. Still, the White Sox attempt to move on towards the "2 broken curses in 2 years" thing while the Astros are currently going for a strangelhold on the Cards.