Friday, August 19, 2005


Kippy vs. the Phillies version of Zach Duke, Robinson Tejada (Teh-hay-da, kind of like the bad Chris Berman pun "You say teh-hay-da, I say teh-ha-da" only you actually do say te-hay-da). Kip hasn't sucked on the road lately, but he still hasn't won away from PNC since early May. Then again there was the dominating CG, 12K shutout he threw at the Phils back in July. Tejada has been good this year, but a bit wild (63 Ks, 46 BB). We only drew one walk off of Victor Zambrano last night so I wouldn't count on much though.

Meanwhile, Jayson Stark compiled a list of the fastest runners in both leagues and Chris Duffy was nowhere to be seen. A terrible crime, I say!