Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The mother of them all

Yesterday both Rory and Charlie posted about the fluff that's churned out by the major media outlets that cover our Buccos. That was before Paul Meyer turned in the Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man of fluff pieces.

That's what the headline screams. Of course the subtitle "Jason Schmidt, Kris Benson, Kip Wells, Sean Burnett, and Oliver Perez may indicate otherwise" went missing. The piece goes on to talk about Duke's stellar start (which I won't argue), and talk to Indy manager Trent Jewett and pitching coach Darold Knowles, who mostly rave with foamy mouths about Duke. By the end of the article, it's confusing as to whether it's 2030 and Duke has just been inducted into the Hall of Fame with a 350-7 career record with a 1.02 ERA and 17 Cy Young Awards, or if it's 2005 and Duke is 3-0 in four Major League starts, the last two of which he danced Lord of the Dance-style between raindrops to keep his ERA at 0.93.

I'm not saying his start hasn't been impressive because it certainly has, but please guys, let's use some perspective. Sean Burnett reeled off five wins in a row in the middle of his rookie campaign last year and he's still missing the whole year this year with arm problems.