Monday, July 25, 2005

A correction

It has been brought to my attention that when I posted about Eldred, Duffy, Duke, Doumit, Snell, and co all being up in the bigs and what that meant for Dave Littlefield, that a tongue in cheek comment I made, "I'm getting more and more convinced that a Dave Littlefield draft pick might never make it to the majors," is not very accurate. Brad Eldred, one of the players in question, was in fact a 2002 draft pick of Littlefield, not a 2001 pick like I believed him to be. This means that a Dave Littlefield has in fact reached the Major Leagues and been there for three days, right under my nose. I apologize for the mistake, I do my best to check everything before I write it, but no one's perfect. Looks like I'll have to find something else to criticize DL for (of course, seeing as how the deadline is in a week I probably won't have to look very hard).